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Workpost 5: Panic Attack

I was just on the border of a panic attack when I went to go exercise.

My Head Hurts

Eyes are swimming in a pain in the back of my head

Heart beating like its a race

And no matter how fast it beats

It isn’t fast enough

To catch up

With the work I want to do

After hanging for a little bit, I decided something. I need to go back to basics. As the level of work, my ambition, my organization go up…so have my stress levels. It is beginning hard to relax, hard to feel in the moment. It feels like I’m in an endless race with no chance to catch my breath.

So here are the basics:

  1. The planning I’m doing in these blog posts give me a huge edge in terms of direction and thought process in a huge number of goals at the same time. However, I now need to do the opposite. The basic I have in mind is this – focus on one thing at a time. Make a todo list. Create prioritization. Make it emotionally make sense (choose what emotionally feels important to focus on first, not logically). Clear all distractions and focus on one thing.
  2. Use the taoist approach to achieve fulfillment. Work until you feel empty.
  3. Use the coaching mindset…let the world come to you, have patience.

I also realized I did not work on the product research goal.

So here it is:

Goal: Create free products in 1 month | UNIT ONE: Complete research | Part 1 Transcribe and think, what is the million dollar problem or breakthrough?

  • One interview per day

Physical Therapy Video Ideas

Hanging thoughts:

  • Probably the most transformative exercise, feel lighter, more shoulder mobility, looser neck
  • Pain on the left shoulder when doing a wide hang, seems to be getting better with time
  • Let the shoulders relax enough that the shoulders are close to the ears
  • Slightly tense abbs to pull ribs down

Mewing thoughts:

  • Keep mouth closed when eating
  • Use swallowing food as a way to practice mewing technique
  • Tongue is not behind teeth, its farther back on the upper pallet

Mewing and Tongue Position

I’ve always had trouble finding a relaxed position for my tongue at the roof of the mouth. I always felt that I was forcing it and in the past when I tried to “mew” I got terrible headaches.

However, I noticed I spend a lot of time breathing from my mouth and I wanted to fix things so I used a bit of connection theory to come up with an idea on how to hold my tongue and I came up with this simple technique:

  • Imagine your spine ending at your tailbone and reaching up all the way and ending at your tongue
  • Imagine keeping your spine open at extended

This imagery has a couple of benefits:

  • Most importantly for me, this allows me to move my body and my tongue without feeling like I cannot maintain tongue posture (mewing always felt static and forced to me)
  • Simple and seems quite relaxing to me

Knee Strength 7: Walking

Yesterday I was walking around a lot when I felt a lot of pain on the interior side of the meniscus of my right knee.

I was really concerned, but this experience helped me get back into the knee challenge to focus on my knee and how it is moving.

When I used connection theory, I noticed that I was using my legs too much (specifically calves) when walking.

The steps for proper walking:

  1. Use hips to step out
  2. Flex and stretch out leg fully
  3. Only use calf muscles at the end of a stride

Also, stretching the calves helps.

It is actually incredible, I went from pain in every step to no pain at all even though I walked for a long time.

Also, I tried connection theory on walking on uneven ground and some tips for that:

  • Keep the ankles active
  • Relax the hips
  • Bend the knees slightly

When this is done properly it should feel like walking talks no effort.

I also did a big on climbing stairs:

  • Center the weight on the leg stepping up
  • Keep everything controlled and centered while stepping up

Finally, in terms of relief, the only exercise that really helped when my menicus was hurting was the Gentle Knee Spacer exercise in this post.

Nothing else really helps, what surprised me is that the foot scrape actually caused pain.

I still haven’t figured out how to sleep on my side safely, but my intuition tells me that I need to build up more muscles in the legs.

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Bedtime Challenge 4: The Marathon

I just came up with a sort of solution for the issue of continuing a healthy sleep cycle while ending the challenge.

It is sparked by something my dad said to me. He told me that life is a marathon not a short race. You have to think of things in the longterm in order to stay healthy.

I was thinking about this because I have a technique I use when I need to do something that takes time and patience. For example, if I feel antsy while working at the gym, I ask myself, “when will this be over?” and I start looking at the clock and feeling impatient.

I address with a technique that I call the Forever method. It’s called the forever method because I answer that question with “imagine it will go on forever”. And not in a bad way. In a way that is comforting. This is your new life…and I can let go of figuring out how to rush onto the next thing. I can just focus on the present moment, and focus on doing the movements in a way that I CAN do it forever. That means with good form, without pushing myself too hard.

I realized I can think about life the same way:

  • Bedtime that I can sustain forever
  • Working hours that I can sustain forever
  • Eating in a way that I can sustain forever

This makes a lot of sense for maintaining boundaries. Often we tell ourselves, oh, I will just bear this insult for today, I will just work a little harder today. But in those situations, we are violating our own boundaries. Which means we will build up resentment. It is NOT something you can sustain forever.

So as I close out this challenge, I plan to live in a way that will enable me to live forever.

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Bedtime Challenge 3: The End

I realized something. It is the end of my bedtime challenge! I have only three days in which I actually violated the boundaries of the challenge:

  1. First time was for work, when troubleshooting an issue took me until 11:30 PM, I went to bed at 12
  2. Second time was for my girlfriend, helping her with a school project until 12
  3. The third time was when the challenge officially ended already, on the 17th (challenge ended on the 12th) when I was feeling too overwhelmed to pack for my trip back to my parent’s house for the holidays.

Although the challenge is over, the work continues.

It is even more critical now because I have a lot of issues with keeping control of my life while at my parent’s house and the bedtime routine isn’t as nice as I would like to have it. I will keep this challenge going for a few more days to solidify some of the more important aspects of the challenge such as the morning routine, and nighttime routine, and fulfilling some of the things I need from the nighttime (alone time, creativity, productivity, fun, and space).

Instead, I am feeling pretty much that my space and time are particularly intruded on in recent times and I need to find ways to meet those needs.

Overall, I am extremely proud of myself and look forward to all the health benefits this will afford me.


Knee Strength 6: Getting Inspiration

I’ve been at a loss as to how to get more stretch in my knees, but I got some inspiration recently from this video:

Lots of cool ideas in this video. Specifically with rolling the knees back and forth.

I feel that this might require something more in terms of exercise, some knee strength somehow to stabilize the knees more, but I feel this is a big part of the puzzle.


Knee Strength 5: Awesome Progress

So I developed a new exercise in the middle of this week, but didn’t have the time to post about it.

To summarize the exercise which I will call the weighted knee spacer:

  • Use ankle weights, weighted shoes, or in this case, bands to pull on foot down
  • Do heel raises with the other foot to elevate the weighted foot
  • Keep the weighted foot as level as possible

I’m thinking this exercise is really useful in any scenario where I feel the knee is getting caught or stuck, which seems to happen a lot when there is any sort of bending exercises.

What I want to work on next is getting a full bend in my right knee without pain.

So it has been a full month now and I have not stopped this challenge yet or restarted jujitsu, but I think that is ok. I want to keep this challenge going until I can actually achieve the goals set in my original goals.

As a reminder, the goals are:

  1. Lift up my knee and bend it feeling stable, comfortable and strong. Getting there for sure!
  2. Stand for 5 minutes while feeling comfortable. Pretty much achieved this one!
  3. Lay on either side feeling comfortable and relaxed. I don’t lay much on either side, just on my back these days, will have to revisit.
  4. Sit on my heels while feeling comfortable and relaxed. Not even close on this one, probably need a full range of motion bend in my knee to be comfortable first.
  5. Be able to jump feeling stable, comfortable, and strong. Part of the way there on this one! I feel pretty stable.
  6. Able to kick a roundhouse while feeling stable, comfortable and strong. Not there yet but an improvement from before.

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Bedtime Challenge 2: Wavering and Innovation

I’ve done it, started to waver on my sleep challenge. The main issue is that I no longer take a hard stance on when I go to sleep, but the one thing that is holding over, is that I get to my bedroom by 11.

I want to recommit to getting into my bed by 11, even if I continue to stay up after.

However, despite wavering, and getting into bed at 11:30, I have started to innovate and think more carefully on how I spend the rest of the hours of my day:

  • I stop playing Valorant at 9 (or in the case of yesterday, don’t even play Valorant)
  • I started writing in my journal every night before bedtime to process any feelings that need to be processed
  • I started doing cupping before sleep to improve circulation
  • I also usually work on posture and my knee exercises

Now that I think about it, I actually succeeded pretty good at this challenge because I’m starting to feel like doing all sorts of things before bedtime such as drawing and reading books.

Another thing I like to do at night is listen to videos that are about AI and are interesting to me to keep up with the latest AI news.

I really like where all of this is going, and writing this at 5 AM in the morning makes me feel like it is nighttime and I’m feeling the vibes. I want to spend more time at night creating worlds. Either drawing, writing a novel or learning.


Knee Strength 4: Didn’t Sleep Well

I slept last night not very well. I woke up a couple of times, and I was tossing and turning. Just wanted to report back and say that the crossing the legs and bending my legs definitely helped me a lot.

I don’t know what I want to work on today. Maybe massage.

That feels sort of right. Stretching and massage for additional recovery. I don’t really know yet.

Update on goals:

  1. Lift up my knee and bend it feeling stable, comfortable and strong
  2. Stand for 5 minutes while feeling comfortable
  3. Lay on either side feeling comfortable and relaxed
  4. Sit on my heels while feeling comfortable and relaxed
  5. Be able to jump feeling stable, comfortable, and strong
  6. Able to kick a roundhouse while feel stable, comfortable and strong

Well I’m surprised! I thought there was a goal on just feeling comfortable normally. But I never created a goal on that, but I am succeeding at that. Walking around, sitting, and relaxing feelings more comfortable than ever before.

The closest goal I am to achieving is goal 2. I learned that sitting back on the heels, pronating helps as well.

“Pronation refers to the way your foot rolls inward for impact distribution upon landing. It’s part of the natural movement of the human body but it differs from person to person. As your foot strikes the ground it rolls inward to absorb the shock.”

Wow makes sense that since I’m supinating (rolling heel outwards), it is not good at absorbing shock. I must have unconsciously started doing that as a result of trying to alleviate pressure on my hurt leg.