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Workpost 38: Time Off
Today I feel mentally and physically drained. I went to bed at 3 AM last night. I feel defeated, anxious, and sad about my relationship. I keep asking myself what it means to own a startup, what it means to be in charge. I think what it means is to be able to take a day off if you need to.
Let’s take a look at some of the different areas of my life right now:
- I’m disappointed in both the effectiveness and efficiency with customer projects as well as the level of sales outreach.
- I feel disconnected from my partner with quite a bit of friction, feeling that there is always a barrier to do what I want to do.
What might be the next steps?
- Identify areas my partner is strong in to involve him more on things I need help with
- Identify areas I feel strongly I should lead and take more leadership in that area
- I’m a bit stagnated on my todo list
- My life systems for food and exersise are seeing big wins
- Huge desire to get more sleep
What might be my next steps?
- Fallout during the day only for leveling up people
- Netflix and long fallout sessions at night in bed
- To do list cleaning/grooming on fridays
- I’ve stopped completely
- Undecided on whether to work on my own art projects or continue coaching
- I want to work on my youtube channel and an art group
What might be my next steps?
- Finish artist interview challenge
- Outreach for potential clients
- I feel misunderstood a lot, mismatching values, too much physical distance
- I love my girlfriend very much
What might be next steps?
- Journal more on the painful feelings
- Use them to grow and understand myself better
UNIT TWO: Processing pain + work (day 2)
It’s 1 am in the morning and I feel tired.
When I think about drawing on my drawing tablet I feel overwhelmed high in my chest.
I feel really really scared that everything I do will be frustrating and not good or artistic.
Let me start with some inktober sketches.
What strikes me when I draw is that art for me, even just plain linework, is all about discovery, all about uncovering the truth or the world underneath the scribbles. It doesn’t matter if I don’t see the world at first, it emerges from within the shapes.
I mean this style is definitely me, I guess I worry that if I try to refine it, it will lose the liveliness in here. At the same time, I’m not sure I want the business card to be this messy and a part of my wants it to look more like a tarrot card. I imagined a swashbuckling kid with big aviator goggles and a bunch of dripping paint brushes.
Workpost 37: Fundamental Systems
Today I feel tired. My kidneys ache. They feel bloated and stagnated. My stomach feels slow. My head iches on the top. My eyes are dry. I feel burning inflammation up my back and spine. My skin is flaking on my face.
These past few days have felt exhausting, extremely stressful, and demoralizing. Last night, I asked myself the question, how do I get out of this.
I didn’t know the answer then, but my answer today during my walk was to take my stress seriously.
And just now, I had a realization that I have the systems developed to do extraordinary things. I just need to utilize them and follow their principals.
Systems in place:
- Daily walk to ponder questions I am stressed about
- Daily workpost to grow myself, plan for greatness
- Clean space to deal with stress, clean place = clean mind
- Meal prep strategy for healthy cheap meals with little stress – fridge containers, tacos, lettuce wraps
- Whiteboards to write strategies
- Off computer working systems (working while walking, running errands, working out, eating out)
- Todo list strategy – focus on one thing at a time, prioritize
- Clean after working hours to transition, decompress
- Crawling to get cardio in small space
- Walking backwards and tibialus for knee
- Hanging for shoulders and posture
- Working out after and before meals for better absorption, muscle growth, and recovery
- Journaling to ask myself questions at night
- Walking with no effort
I have absolutely everything I need to build a life where I can do almost anything I want, achieve anything I want.
Right now, I want to focus on two things: recovery and priming
Priming are stuff like cleaning, wiping off my whiteboards, clearing out tabs, filling markers, mealprep, todo list grooming
Recovery means lots of sleep, rest, hydration, and exercise. Specifically paying attention to anytime I want to game to see if I feel stressed or uncomfortable, taking a break when that happens.
To top off this post, I want to attach something that I want to erase from my whiteboard, but want to save forever:
Reasons Why I’m Ready
- I’ve developed very deep and powerful life theories (flow, connection) → these theories can give anyone direction in darkness, I forget them but they come back when I need them
- When faced with pain I’ve always come out stronger (ACL) → pain is the greatest teacher
- I’ve proven that I can complete hard challenges (knee, sova) → I can achieve the challenges I set my mind to
- I can solve problems few people can solve (triage, nikola) → normal rules don’t apply
- I’m deeply attuned to emotions (coaching, art, philosophy) → makes it much easier to connect with people
- I used to walk up to girls on the street → Nothing is something I can’t handle. There is nothing that I can’t ask for
- No matter how badly I fail there are people who still love me
- The point is not to get there, be productive or succeed, the point is to find a meaningful problem, problems we want to solve → we will never have no problems but we can choose which problems we want to contend with
- Happiness doesn’t come from acing the past but seizing the now → its never too late to be happyIt’s near too late to fix it with a degree in engineering and parents who don’t mess with me
- I have lots of assets and saving and a degree in engineering and parents and a sister all with money saved
Workpost 31: On an Adventure
I feel like I’m on an adventure, even though I am only 40 minutes away from my apartment in Austin. I am in the city of Leander, northwest of Austin and I’m feeling a bit tired but excited about the solar eclipse today.
I’m in the library and I feel at home but also lonely. I think there is something about being in close proximity to books that remind me of my childhood and about daydreaming and reading about people’s lives and wanting to find close friends and conquer the world.
I feel lonely, and I wish it was easier to connect with others.
The library reminds me of elementary school when everything was pretty simple. If you wanted to be friends with people, you just became friends with them.
I’m feeling really tired because I didn’t go to bed very early last night. I also think the sleeping appliance and my sleep mask are not things I’m used to sleeping with so I don’t sleep as well with them.
I’m focusing on recentering on my house, and that anything is possible in my house.
Today there is a solar eclipse, and I’m excited for that. Maybe I will read a book really quick, then get some work done and drive over to watch the eclipse from this really cool park nearby.
Workpost 24: Feeling Good and Business Plans
Last night I was feeling some doubts about my coaching practice and I did some IFS therapy on myself to work through some of the shame and anger I feel around people rejecting my coaching or not seeing its value.
Today, I woke up feeling really tired but now I’m feeling good.
I’m working on stuff of my choosing and I really like it.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my business lately and what the starving crowd and what I want to happen.
I feel like I’ve finally cracked the code a little bit about selling high-ticket clients and expensive products.
So after listening and reading Alex Hormozi for two days here is what I learned:
- Charge an obscene amount
- Use that amount to create a crazy experience
- Solve a really big problem (to create really big value)
I think what really big value I want to create with my coaching is to help people create a masterpiece.
If I was to breakdown Alex Hormozi’s formula for value:
- The dream: create an artistic masterpiece – a breakout piece (this will make you a career in this space a breakout piece, you will feel proud of yourself, you will be able to call yourself an artist proudly, this will be the best work you’ve ever created)
- The certainty: I am an artist and engineer, I have a lot of experience coaching people through mental blocks, I will give you a guarantee.
- The time: 1 year
- The effort: without giving up your mental sanity, quitting your job, or disconnecting from family
Value of this offer: 250,000+
10-15%: 25,000 – 37,500
2,083 – 3,125 per month
Three stages:
- Explore art
- Establish your routine
- Create your masterwork
- I don’t have enough time
- I don’t know what I want to do
- I have kids
- I don’t want to quit my job
- I don’t know what other people will like, what if people don’t like it
- Too much work
- Keep switching what I want to do
Workpost 81: Making Money
I’ve finally gotten my business cards done! I’m pretty happy about that.
The main thing to do next is to make some money today.
I was to focus primarily on making fast money, at least 300 today.
Other than that, I want to think about my next step in my plan – which is making videos.
Finally, I think my final potential goal for today is to call some active retired individual retreats and see if I can teach a class there.