A few weeks ago I started the Sova Art Competition listed here.
While I was really excited initially about this art competition because I get to combine two of my passions (art and Valorant), I started to feel really overwhelmed because I don’t feel that I have enough experience with digital art and drawing from my imagination to get to the type of painting that I want to submit.
I think I will need to embrace failure and discover what kind of art is coming out for me, but also, I want to break down this challenge into lessons or milestones, just like with the Valorant challenge. The mindset I want to take is to create a syllabus in such a way that it is impossible for me not to win.
Today’s date: March 10th 2023
Submission deadline: March 27th 2023
Number of days remaining: 16
UNIT ONE: Sova Model Studies
- Day 1 – Portrait
- Day 2 – Half Body
- Day 3 – Full Body
UNIT TWO: Dynamic Figure Drawing
- Day 1 – Explore figure sketching techniques/simplification
- Day 2 – Copy a pose from memory, trace, and correct original
- Day 3 – Animate
UNIT THREE: Inspired Starts
- Day 1 – Random Line Start
- Day 2 – Famous Painting Start
- Day 3 – Disliked Painting Start
*All exercises have the potential to be a final submission.
Days remaining after sova fan art drawing class: 7