Recommendations From My Marketing Coaching

Thinking about social media marketing for business.

My marketing coach recommended these three fellas:

The Harmon Brothers: They create funny content for companies

Neil Patel: Marketing Guru

Seth Godin: Influential writer

One of the things that came out from our discussion is that he said there are two types of content on social media – educational and entertainment. Some realization I came to is that social media is all about being social. It’s not about looking cool or saying the right things.

In the conference I was at, there was a guy with 10 million followers, and he said to be yourself. If yourself is introverted, act introverted. If you are a geek, act like one.

I think the key is that people desire to connect socially. Even if its a virtual social thing. So if your content doesn’t feel like you are talking directly to someone, then it probably isn’t getting big.

That and consistency. The only lesson from my marketing coach and the 10 million follower guy. Post once a day he said.


Tai Chi Class

Tai chi class was very interesting. I had a thought when the instructor was answering a question by one of the students. They were asking whether or not the movement called the “whip” was supposed to have a whipping motion. The instructor told him that as a beginner you always want to go slow. She also said that she teaches with words.

I was thinking that I can apply this Tai Chi mentality to some of the things that I work really hard to do such as work or Valorant or content creation.

Some thoughts I want to try out:

  1. Do things really slow and relaxed. Speed up if its easier, but as soon as it gets hard, go slower and more relaxed.
  2. Focus on the kinks, uncomfortable parts and keep working them out (my thoughts, not usually used in tai chi)
  3. Speed up when it feels really easy
  4. Speak aloud what you are doing, in order to be more intentional
  5. Follow a predetermined routine

What I want to try for my LinkedIn 50 days of posts:

  1. Write down what I know
  2. Write down what I don’t know
  3. Do necessary research
  4. Copy photoshop template
  5. Flesh out first iteration
  6. Flesh out images
  7. More research and reflection
  8. Refinement

Linkedin Strategy Video

Start with a hook – what is the one thing I want the reader to come away with (How do find prospects on LinkedIn). Hook is the promise you make.

Rehook – add an objection, or do a contrasting statement.

Write to a loved one…I will write to my girlfriend.


Working On Instagram

So things have been interesting recently. I have a lot of outlets in which to express my thoughts in: Instagram, video, blog post, journal, and slack channel. I don’t know where to post what. But I recently realized that I am taking my blog waaay too seriously. This blog is meant to be a place where I am boldly myself, but also giving me a staging ground to work things out, not come up with the final product. It is my place to draft out ideas, write poems about how I feel, try out videos that I’m not yet ready to publish. It is a place where I’m being unafraidly myself.

With that being said, I wanted to work out some of my thoughts with Instagram on this blog post. I have three Instagram accounts with an idea for a fourth one:

  • personal account
  • art account
  • coaching account

+ valorant account.

I’m going to take a stab at dividing purpose of different outlets:

Instagram – personal

  • Place to relax and talk to friends
  • Ask for help, suggestions
  • Practice challenges

Instagram – art

  • Place to work on art
  • Build worlds, characters
  • Find beauty
  • Ask about works in progress

Instagram – coaching

  • Place to remind myself different life lessons
  • Homepage for coaching, where I direct everyone
  • Write down what helps me reconnect with art

Instagram – valorant

  • Place to create training videos for myself to become the best
  • Reclaim mental

I don’t really know what the purpose of the slack channel is as current. Perhaps I can use it as a place to repost things that I post in different areas.


So I recently had my first Livestream ever on Youtube.

It was a lot of fun, and I created a really cool story excerpt and a painting, but I didn’t feel like I was in the moment enough and had enough of a connection to the audience. I felt like I was watching myself and out of my own body

Talking to multiple people, I’ve come up with some ideas:

  • Invite people to do something in their life that centers on presence that they have been putting off
    • Yoga, working out, drawing, painting, stretching, cleaning
  • Create a wheel of ridiculous things
    • Ask lots of questions and when I get little or no engagement, spin a wheel of ridiculous things
  • Create a discussion with people
  • Minimize the windows so I don’t see myself most of the time
  • Play recordings while I’m doing something
  • Create some sort of prize