
So I recently had my first Livestream ever on Youtube.

It was a lot of fun, and I created a really cool story excerpt and a painting, but I didn’t feel like I was in the moment enough and had enough of a connection to the audience. I felt like I was watching myself and out of my own body

Talking to multiple people, I’ve come up with some ideas:

  • Invite people to do something in their life that centers on presence that they have been putting off
    • Yoga, working out, drawing, painting, stretching, cleaning
  • Create a wheel of ridiculous things
    • Ask lots of questions and when I get little or no engagement, spin a wheel of ridiculous things
  • Create a discussion with people
  • Minimize the windows so I don’t see myself most of the time
  • Play recordings while I’m doing something
  • Create some sort of prize

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