Okok. After working on my AI Consulting Plan for a few days, something is really fucking clear to me (excuse my French).
I need more than 10 days to make a name for myself. I am going to need 3 months. Videos are the absolute best way to make a name for myself. However, videos take absolutely forever to create.
So let us give us enough time to make them.
Goal: Be known, give preview of consulting
UNIT ONE (1 month): Build a crowd who will engage with anything I put out
- Shoot 3 simple videos
- Shoot 3 complex videos
- Write 6 LinkedIn posts
- Involve people every step of the way
UNIT TWO (1 month): Get people to start reaching out to me with AI questions
- Create reaction videos to comments
- Create videos based off on comments
UNIT THREE 1 month): Get big enough following to invite famous people on my videos
- Figure out the platform I can get big on
- Post on it consistantly
BONUS (1 day): Look for automation/outsourcing, try to make as low effort as possible
Ok let’s dive in deeper.
UNIT ONE (1 month ends March 22nd)
- Planning and setting up artifacts for videos (10 days ends March 2nd)
- Executing, shooting and editing (10 days ends March 12th)
- Feedback and editing for bigger videos (10 days ends March 22nd)
And even deeper….
UNIT ONE | Part 1 Planning and setting up artifacts for videos (10 days ends March 2nd)
- Create plans for each of the videos (4 days ends Feb 25th)
- What videos I want to shoot (already done)
- What those videos will look like in the intro (partly done)
- What clips I need
- What research I need
- Who I need to talk to
- When I need it by – figure out shooting schedule
- How to break down each of the ideas into smaller content
- Figure out how to shoot each video (3 days ends Feb 28th)
- Break down as much of the video as I can
- If needed, come up with an imaginary best case scenario story just to know what shots I need
- Solidify shooting schedule
- Reach out to the people I need to reach out to
- Shoot preliminary non-essential parts of video (3 days ends March 2nd)
- Shoot any part that I can that don’t require other people
- Essentially get started with filming